Categories: News, Newsletter Issue 2019:4

A Note from the Executive Director

I hope all of you are having an enjoyable and productive fall.

As I write, it is only a few weeks away from the November 25th deadline to submit abstracts, policy roundtables and spotlight session proposals for our next ASHEcon Conference June 7-10 in St. Louis. Many of the items and ideas that are discussed in this newsletter are also reflected in what I know will be a fantastic June conference. As always, we will have great mentoring sessions. As David Bradford highlights, mentors can be so useful. And always, just as there are in this newsletter, on Sunday June 7th, there will be sessions on new databases that ASHEcon members may know little about and wish to use. As Janet Currie indicates in her Q & A with the editor, there is a compelling need for greater diversity amongst our ranks. and also look for the sessions given by “Emerging Scholars” something new for the St. Louis Meeting. Diversity and Emerging scholars are young individuals who are still graduate students, and who are working on exciting and pathbreaking research.

Also, if you haven’t signed up to be an abstract reviewer, there is still time. You can sign-up here.

St. Louis is a great city and our hotel the St. Louis Union Station

We are also excited about the upcoming Allied Social Science Association meetings in San Diego. For those of you planning on attending the ASSA meetings, we will be hosting our annual ASHEcon Luncheon Friday January 3, 2020 at 12:30pm. Our special speaker will be Fiona M. Scott Morton, the Theodore Nierenberg Professor of Economics at the Yale University School of Management. Her talk is called The Policy Consequences of Anti-competitive Conduct in Healthcare Markets.

In addition to the luncheon, ASHEcon and iHEA are co-sponsoring our annual cocktail reception for Members and Friends. This event will be held Friday January 3, 6:00pm. Please stop by to say hello! Please visit the ASHEcon at ASSA registration page to learn more about these events.

John Cawley will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, Dec 4th at 12pm EST on Strategies (and Encouragement) for Ph.D. Health Economists on the Job Market. Students, I hope you can enjoy us and professors, please encourage your students to attend.

Thanks for your continued support of ASHEcon!