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Categories: Newsletter, Newsletter Issue 2016:2

News from the Executive Director

We’re incredibly excited about the 6th Biennial Conference at Penn coming up in a matter of days! ASHEcon and our amazing colleagues at Penn have been working incredibly hard to put together a conference that will be as enjoyable as it is intellectually stimulating. For up to the minute details on the program, download our new app in the iTunes Store or Google Play Store today – it’s free! All the details about the conference are available at the conference website: ldi.upenn.edu/ashecon2016. And remember to join the conversation online by using the hashtag #ASHEcon16!

New President-Elect and Board Members!

We are thrilled to congratulate our new President-Elect, Loren Baker (Stanford). We’re also delighted to welcome Kate Bundorf (Stanford), Donna Gileskie (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Robin McKnight (Wellesley), and Neeraj Sood (USC) to the ASHEcon board. If you see them in Philly be sure to congratulate them!

We are also deep in debt to outgoing board members, Dana Goldman (USC), Jose Pagan (NY Academy of Medicine), and Kosali Simon (Indiana University). They have been loyal ASHEcon board members since its inception and will be missed.

AJHE Library Subscriptions

Institutional subscriptions are the lifeblood of journals – especially new ones like the American Journal of Health Economics! Many of you will soon receive an email from us with your institution’s librarian in charge of journal subscriptions. Our hope is that you will be able to forward an email to this person requesting that your institution purchase a subscription so everyone at your institution, regardless of membership status, can enjoy easy access to AJHE!

Call for Content!

We’re always looking for contributions and contributors to our quarterly newsletter. If you have an idea you’d like to share or just want to get involved, please send me an email at tony@ashecon.org!